Compensating Decoupling Strategy of Setting Strip Gauge and Flatness of Aluminous Board Timber 铝板带材厚度和板形设定补偿解耦控制策略
The decoupling compensating of setting and adaptive decoupling strategy is presented to the coupling problem existing in the gauge and flatness control system. 针对板厚板形控制系统存在耦合问题,提出板厚板形解耦设定补偿思想,包括预设定补偿控制和自适应穿带解耦控制。
Study of Compensating of Setting on Decoupling Strips Flatness and Gauge in T and em Cold Mill 冷连轧机板形板厚解耦设定补偿研究
If the gauge compensating term is added to the action, the S matrix in the physical state vector space can be expressed in a form which has no couplings of physical and unphysical particles, and so the physical S matrix is gauge independent and unitary. 在作用量中添上规范补偿项以后,物理态空间中的S矩阵可以写成物理粒子和非物理粒子之间没有耦合的形式,显示出S矩阵的规范无关性和么正性。
In this paper, It is discussed the thickness compensating function for y thickness gauge and remarkable results are obtained in production after realizing all compensation. 本文主要讨论了测厚仪厚度补偿机能以及实现了各项补偿功能后在生产应用中所取得的效果。
Investigation and application of the thickness compensating function for y ray thickness gauge γ射线测厚仪厚度补偿机能的研究与应用